
Silo houses missile
Silo houses missile

silo houses missile

The tunnel at the bottom of the stairs, a hard hat area then and especially now, leads to a sealed room and to the actual silo itself. Through more hall walls and a set of stairs, you can enter through another blast door, and then down into the living area (that I thought was where the control room was located), following down the stairwell another few levels, are more circular rooms, some used for control rooms, others kitchens and work areas, in the ceiling are emergency escape hatches through a vertical tunnel filled with sand, once opened the sand would fall to the ground, and the ladder would tumble down. Previous visitors have apparently weld-cut a hole in them to crawl through. Most of the abandoned silos have these welded shut so no one can venture further below. As you proceed down the top stairs and turn two corners, there is a massive air-tight sealed ‘blast door’. The large doors on the ground surface, shown in the pictures below, would raise open prior to launch as well. The hatch would pop open prior to launch and would raise the antennae. The small hatch-hole (missing hatch) in the pictures below was a guidance antenna to help navigate the missile in flight. Each missile was stored on alert with RP-1 on board and was fueled with liquid oxygen prior to launch countdown just as the missile was raised on the elevator. The entire structure is built to survive missile attacks upon them. Large missile silo doors rest flat against the ground. Above ground is pits where the fuel storage tanks once were located, such as liquid nitrogen and oxygen. Hidden from public view, all one can see from the highway, in the middle of nowhere, is a small, blending into the environment, grey concrete rectal-triangular block, that encases a stairwell that enters into a 3-7 level complex of circular rooms and chambers, leading to a circular tunnel that goes to the giant silo tube where the missiles would be launched. There are 12 silos, now abandoned, that surround the town of Roswell, New Mexico. In the 80’s we used to throw big high school parties in them, partying in what we thought was once the control room, but appears by online research to have been the living quarters of the soldiers who were on call ready to push buttons. Many memories of Roswell, New Mexico‘s abandoned missile silos swarmed through my head as I recently explored them on a recent visit to Roswell.

Silo houses missile